Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rescue Efforts for Miss Floppy

Miss Floppy got her name when a large tick attached itself to her right ear when she was a pup. The ear flopped over from the weight of it. She was still living out in the woods and would not allow me to touch her so I could not remove it. By the time she was letting me pet her, the tick was gone. The ear took a while but it recovered and no longer flops over.

Her fur is not as long and thick as her brother's and her coat is whiter. She also walks with her tail curled over her back. She loves to play and will nip at me when I go into the pen to get me to play with her. She likes to play "can't get me" with her brother and sister.

She is not available for adoption at this time because she has a heart murmur which requires further evaluation. The vet feels that she was probably born with it. She has an appointment at the specialist next week for an ultrasound. If it is not life threatening, she can then be spayed and will be made available for adoption. The family that is interested in Red, is also interested in adopting her when she becomes available.

Rescue Efforts for Red Updated

Red has now been neutered and is ready for adoption! He has grown up to be a beautiful dog.

He has such a sweet demeanor and loves to go for long walks. Everyone at the vets office fell in love with him. His fur is long and thick and his tail is bushy. He looks so regal when he walks with it curled over his back. I wish I could get a photo of it.

There is a family that is interested in adopting him, so he will recover from his surgery here with me, then he may be going home to a new family. I will miss him being here but I will be able to visit him as I do all of the family that has been adopted.

Goldilocks and Ashley in New Home

As a pup, Goldilocks hung back, staying mostly with her father. I called her Goldilocks because she would go from food bowl to food bowl.

It was hard to tell the difference between Ashley and Floppy until Floppy got a large tick attached to the top of her right ear and it flopped over. Ashley got her name after she was in the pen. She must have been playing in the area where there were some ashes and one morning when I went out to feed them she had ashes on her forehead.
Goldilocks and Ashley were adopted by a very special family. They came out everyday for 2 weeks to allow Goldilocks and Ashley to get to know them, before they took them home. They helped me to keep the area around the pen treated for mosquitoes. They built a special outside pen for them and slept outside in a trailer to be close to them at night. I knew they were going to be happy and have a forever loving home!

Now the girls live inside and I am pretty sure they are spoiled rotten! I am so grateful to this family for providing them with such a good home! And they love their new family so very much!