Miss Floppy (left) & Sissy (right) |
Sitting for treats! |
Sissy and Miss Floppy are still looking for forever homes. They are such good girls, about 16 months old. We believe they are a malamute/shepherd mix. They stand approximately 26" at the shoulder. Both girls are spayed, heart worm free and currents on all vaccinations. In addition, they are on a 30 day regiment of Heartgard Plus and K-9 Advantix.
Miss Floppy
Miss Floppy is sweet and gentle in nature and loves to play. She would really like to have a playmate. A little shy at first, but she is also curious and will come up to check you out. She is always the one that instigates play. In addition, she enjoys playing in water. She will fish out their toys when I place them in the pool and when I put ice in their water, she will come up, plunge her nose in the water and stir the ice around. Miss Floppy was born with a small hole in her heart which causes a heart mummer, however it does not require any medication. The specialist only recommended that she be seen by a vet every 6 months so that the mummer can be monitored. She is leash trained but will pull when she wants to go some where. She rides in a vehicle pretty good. She has always been outside, although I am begining to bring them inside, she will need to be trained for indoor living. She weighs between 70-75 lbs, is heart worm free, spayed and current on all vaccinations.
Miss Floppy
Sissy is a very shy girl. I named her Sissy because she is afraid of any thing and any one she is not familiar with. She will bark, but has never gotten vicious or mean. She just gets really nervous and will keep a good distance between herself and strangers. When out for her walks, when a neighbor comes out, she will sit refusing to go by a stranger. Then when she does decide to walk by, it will be quickly. She is good and well behaved. She will sit when I tell her and come when I call and whistle. She loves attention and will roll onto her back for me to pet her. She also enjoys being brushed and will push Miss Floppy out of the way so that she can be brushed first. She also loves to go for her walks and gets excited when she sees me comming out with the leash. Sissy will require several visits so that she can become familar with you and trust you, before she goes to her new home. She weighs 85 lbs +. She is spayed, heart worm free and current on all vaccinations.
Momma has found a good, forever loving home. In addition, she has started her heart worm treatments and has been doing well. I will be posting photos as soon as I receive them.